Happy Mild Winter!

So happy that the winter has been mild. I'd prefer to enjoy a stroll than shovel any day.

Big thanks to all who joined me at Erasing Tension workshops at Bexley Yoga and Dublin Rec Center in January. 

February is Yoga Outreach Columbus month! So looking forward to a  big charitable yoga class and gathering on Sunday Feb 21. 

My jewelry site is up and running. Woot. Big thanks to all who are wearing a piece that jewelry right now. Thanks for offering it to a friend. These little beauties really can brighten a  day!  Whether you treasure a stack of bracelets or love an om necklace , I appreciate you and all the meaning you give these beauties!

So eager to offer back to back workshops Yoga Mat To Placemat with my husband, The Duke of Fork. Yoga, therapy balls and delicious food ready to recreate at home. 

Big shout out to the employees who work with therapy balls right at their work stations. I love offering a  "come as you are" fifteen minute movement break. Whether you are in blue jeans and steel toe shoes or a business casual, I know how much these mini breaks can be for our outlook! 

Thanks, finally to the ones who show up week after week for movement classes. You inspire me to show up and recognize your badassery. *wink*

 I am committed to treating you with the kindness and respect you deserve; to help you erase pain; and whenever add some laughter to your day. 

Namaste.  Loretta